As a B2B online marketing firm, we know that branding is one of the biggest challenges facing our clients in the energy services industry. This industry is highly technical so communicating a brand promise to a largely non-technical audience can be challenging.
This does not mean that great branding is impossible for energy services companies. In fact, many companies use online channels to communicate their brand promise and manage their corporate image. To give you some insight, here are some top energy brands that use online channels to develop a successful and buzz-worthy online presence.
United Safety
Having a hard time explaining your brand promise with words? Then why now SHOW your brand promise with a video? Video is an excellent channel because you can use images, humor, and creative language to catch the viewer’s attention. United Safety did this with their “Value Proposition” video. Here, they lay out exactly what makes United Safety different in an understandable and engaging way. This is a highly interactive way for energy companies to communicate with the public. It just takes a great script, some simple recording equipment, and a bit of time commitment.
ATCO Structures & Logistics
What better way is there to reach the public than by talking to them directly? ATCO S&L uses social media to communicate their community involvement to the public. The company’s LinkedIn page features recent job postings and current news about the company to create a positive brand image. These efforts have clearly worked, as ATCO S&L now has approximately 4,500 likes on LinkedIn. Energy service companies can also implement this strategy. Start with a company page, add your employees, and go from there! With social media, you just have to dive in!
Spartan Controls
For businesses that want to create a brand image that communicates customer support and technical proficiency, use your corporate website. Spartan Controls does this by featuring “Support” and “Video” pages that direct people to product demonstrations, technical papers, and more. By having a gold-mine of support resources, Spartan Controls showcases a brand image of service, responsibility, and reliability. Other energy service providers can do the same thing, especially if they re-sell products that already have support materials. You just have to the time to put these resources on your website so that your clients can easily access them.
So there you have it! Energy service companies CAN have excellent branding if they use the right online communication channels. United Safety, Spartan Controls, and ATCO S&L are great examples of brands that have thrived online. After all, the best way for energy service companies to succeed online is to learn from the best!
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About Renee Matsalla
Renee holds a Bachelor of Commerce in marketing, and loves to dig into marketing research to find the ideal ways to optimize or run campaigns. She works to drive awareness, understanding, and adoption of marketing best practices with positioning, messaging, and marketing materials.