How B2B Companies Can Use LinkedIn to Enhance Their B2B Internet Marketing Strategy
As a B2B internet marketing company, we understand that many B2B companies are skeptical about using social media to enhance their internet marketing strategies. We know that an Energy Service Provider or manufacturer may wonder how a Tweet or Facebook post about production equipment and safety staffing could possibly compete with the musings of a Justin Bieber or Old Spice Guy.
The truth is, B2B companies CAN use social media to enhance their marketing strategy. The trick is to use the right kind of social media. As B2B transactions are based on building relationships and making connections, LinkedIn is the perfect social media platform. Below are some tips to help your B2B internet marketing strategy by adding LinkedIn to their digital marketing strategy.
Get a LinkedIn Company Profile: Sounds simple, but many B2B companies haven’t taken this first step to an effective online marketing campaign. Company profiles allow you to connect with clients while increasing your exposure to search engines like Google.
Join Groups: Don’t just join any group. Join the RIGHT groups. There are many industry-related groups on LinkedIn where you can connect with prospects while learning about the latest news in your field.
Make a Group: Can’t find the right group to join? Make your own! By creating your own group, you can position yourself as a leader in your industry and accelerate your B2B internet marketing strategy.
Update Regularly: Your company may not have as large of a following as B2C companies, but your followers are interested in what you have to say because it is relevant. By updating your LinkedIn profile, and posting recent company news, your company will be perceived as active, current, and credible.
Spread the News: Now that you’ve done all this hard work on your LinkedIn profile, make sure people see it! Create a link on every page of your website; post it on all of your other social media outlets; just get it out there!
These are some simple B2B internet marketing and social media strategy tips. Contact us to learn more about how to leverage social media for your industrial focused business.
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About Renee Matsalla
Renee holds a Bachelor of Commerce in marketing, and loves to dig into marketing research to find the ideal ways to optimize or run campaigns. She works to drive awareness, understanding, and adoption of marketing best practices with positioning, messaging, and marketing materials.