These are blogs we regularly read and contain great insight for the B2B and SMB market. I’m sure you’ll find them of value, just as we have. We’ll continue to manage the blog roll as we monitor and find new and interesting B2B Marketing blogs. Keep it tuned here.
Anything Goes Marketing
Chad Horenfeldt – The concept of Anything Goes Marketing is simple: Don’t let theories or best practices restrict you when it comes to marketing – specifically B2B e-marketing. We all know that in marketing, anything goes and if you don’t, it’s time that you did. Expect to find tips and tricks to improve your online marketing skills and some harsh comments for poor campaigns, articles and posts that I come across – beware!
B2B Lead Generation Blog
Brian Carrol – CEO of InTouch, part of MECLABS Group (MarketingExperiments, MarketingSherpa, InTouch) and author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale (McGraw-Hill 2006) and the B2B Lead Generation Blog with expertise related to B2B marketing, lead generation, and complex sales.
B2B Marketing Confidential
Andy Hasselwander – B2B Marketing Confidential is published by a ten-year veteran of B2B Marketing who has worked with over 20 Fortune 500 companies. It aims to provide an unfiltered view of the craft from the perspective of a do-er, as well as aggregating and analyzing major news from across the B2B marketing landscape.
Business-to-business (b2b) and industrial marketing blog
Dave J. – I am a marketing manager for a manufacturing company. I started B2Blog to have a place to talk about the dramatic changes in industrial marketing. Because I am writing a personal blog about my professional life, I prefer to keep my exact identity and employer on the QT.
Customer Experience Matrix
David Raab – is a consultant specializing in marketing technology and analysis. Clients have included major firms in financial services, retail, communications, and other industries. Mr. Raab has written hundreds of articles for DM Review, DM News, and other industry publications.
Duct Tape Marketing
John Jantsch – has been called the World’s Most Practical Small Business Expert for consistently delivering real-world, proven small business marketing ideas and strategies. He is the creator of the Duct Tape Marketing small business marketing system and Duct Tape Marketing Authorized Coach Network.
The Funnelholic
A blog for those of us who live and work at the top end of the b2b funnel: Demand Generation, Lead Generation, Online Media, B2B Sales and Marketing, Marketing Automation, DRIP, Lead Nurturing, and Fun.
LeadSloth on Demand Generation
Jep Castelein – B2B marketing is moving online big-time: print advertisements, trade shows, and direct mail are losing out against online advertising, email marketing, webinars, blogging, and website optimization. We see new marketing automation tools popping up that help marketers cope with this change. But it’s a challenge to find the right tools: there is not a lot of information available online, and some tools are hard to classify.
The Lonely Marketer
Patrick Schaber – My focus for this blog is writing about and generating discussions on a variety of current marketing trends. Everybody wants to talk Social Marketing and search engine optimization. I do too! We’ll talk plenty of online marketing as well as other aspects of marketing.
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About Dayna Cosgrove
Danya is a creative professional specializing in web design and development, with experience in marketing, advertising, and graphic design.