SLMA Radio Show: ActiveConversion on Sales Lead Management
Following the ActiveConversion webinar on sales lead management systems, Brad Kamphuis, Director Business Development, spoke on the SLMA radio show on Oct 13, 2011.
Online lead management qualification process and the importance of tagging, nurturing and scoring leads to qualify leads.
Target market and choosing the right qualifiers to qualify your leads in your target market.
The importance of identifying leads who do not fill out forms on the website.
The importance of ongoing SEO and online campaigns to entice visitors to your website.
Profiling an ideal lead and closing the loop between marketing-sales-marketing activities.
ActiveConversion and it benefits in reporting, alerts and increasing B2B sales.
SLMA Radio is a 50-minute internet radio show produced four times each month. It broadcasts live at 5 PM PST, in the United States from OC Talk Radio. The host is talk-show commentator Will Crist where he interviews industry leaders and they present their opinions about current industry trends.
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About Yves Matson
Yves is a seasoned and proven sales and marketing leader in information technology, marketing, and manufacturing. From the boardroom to the trenches, he is a well-rounded Business Development professional who has helped small start-ups to large companies successfully bridge the gap of sales transformation.