I don’t usually take up blog space with security alerts, but this one hopefully is the one exception for the year. There are emails being sent out with your email on them, that look very much like the emails you get from Google when your credit card expires or is no longer accepted. This email doesn’t have the usual spelling errors or obvious bogus URLs that make it easy to detect as fake.
The email then ‘instructs’ you to go enter your credit card info, which of course is the reason for the email. We see a lot of these alerts and were initially concerned by them because they were real looking AND because they did go to clients with Adwords accounts.
The solution is to not click on the link provided in the email and to go investigate via your Google Adwords account directly. Or in the case of our clients, get told to go ‘see what the h*ll is going on’ for them. If you have an agency like FoundPages, you probably don’t have to worry, they would also get an alert if it’s legitimate, and also see enough of them to know when it’s bogus.
I have to admit, this is one of the cases, where I might vote for getting paper in the mail…
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About Jim Wong
Jim is a digital veteran with over 10 years of experience driving digital strategy and leading multi-discipline teams for national & local brands in over 20 industries. His expertise is in leveraging digital marketing to market businesses smarter and better through a data focused, performance ROI driven approach.