Outbound Calling Advice: Dealing with “Send me some info”
While a well designed and well-promoted website can create leads for a company, it goes without saying that most companies will not rely on it entirely. They will also supplement inbound marketing with outbound targeted calling; they will take a look at who their customer base is and why, develop a list of other companies that are similar, and start calling.
Success at this point will usually sound like “…interesting, send me an email with your info in it and I’ll get back to you”. The big question is did they say it to be nice, to get you off the phone? Or are they genuinely interested? If they are not interested, you may have just set yourself up for a waste of time following up with them. What you really want is information on who on the “send me an email” list shows interest and who is actually engaged with your message.
One path to this insight is through a combination of a content-rich website, and marketing automation like ActiveConversion. When they ask for the “more information email”, the email itself contains links that lead to the information/content. With the ActiveConversion Outlook plugin installed, if they click on any of those links, you’ll see if they clicked through and what they looked at.
If they said they were interested, but didn’t click through on any of the informational links, well, not as qualified. However, if they clicked through and looked at multiple pages, and even more significantly, if they returned later for a second look at your website, notch them up as having passed qualifying test #1.
Keep in mind this same approach is useful when re-engaging with customers and old prospects. Even deep into a relationship sell, being able to gauge how interested and engaged a prospect is with the new message you’re delivering is invaluable.
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About Ritu Singh
Ritu has over 10 years of experience in planning, facilitating and executing marketing programs. She is passionate about marketing and driven to help start-ups and small to large companies market products and services online and offline.