You know what? We are sick of explaining what we do to our moms. Eventually, the constant barrage of questions just gets to you: “What do you do all day? What is an internet marketing expert? Why can’t you answer every one of my ten thousand calls a day?” Well, moms, it is because we are busy making great online marketing strategies! So for all the moms and other interested parties out there, here is a day in the life of an internet marketing consultant:
8:45 am: We are supposed to arrive at work around 8:30am but actually roll in about 8:45. This is because we have stayed up until 4 am reading about marketing automation, lead generation, coding, and the latest Google algorithm update.
8:46am: Make coffee.
8:50 am: Chug coffee.
8:51 am: Think about how awesome that coffee was.
9:00am: Team meetings. You cannot make excellent online strategies without coordinating with your team. Here we can plan our days, get great ideas from each other, and share a joke or two.
9:30 am: Get down to business. We all have our specialties. Some of us code, some design, and others sell. Some of us even write great blog posts!
12 pm: Lunch. This is when we eat lunch at our desks and continue to feverishly work on email templates, website navigation schemes, Google Advertising campaigns, SEO audits, and more. The lucky ones get to schmooze with clients over a steak.
1 pm: Continue getting down to business
3 pm: Discuss the last Mad Men episode and how much we wish marketing was actually like that.
5-7pm: Go home to eat, relax, and dream online marketing.
So there you have it, mom, now you know just how hard online marketing experts work to create excellent online strategies!
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About Renee Matsalla
Renee holds a Bachelor of Commerce in marketing, and loves to dig into marketing research to find the ideal ways to optimize or run campaigns. She works to drive awareness, understanding, and adoption of marketing best practices with positioning, messaging, and marketing materials.