Internet Marketing Consultants Can Reduce Your Risk of Click Fraud
So what is Click Fraud You Ask?
Click fraud (sometimes called pay-per-click fraud) is a specific type of fraud that occurs when web users visit your website via click ads without any intention of purchasing a product or service. Online marketing experts estimate that 10-20% of PPC clicks are fraudulent. Also, according to some internet marketing specialists, competitive PPC ad categories can experience click fraud rates as high as 50%. That’s a crazy amount, right?
It is also not an uncommon practice for threatened competitors to hire professional “clickers” to click on your company’s PPC ads so that the firm’s overall marketing budget is decreased. So why does this matter? As a result, your competitor’s ad will be shown more often while simultaneously costing your company money. Without professional PPC management, you can easily be victim to click fraud without even knowing it. So now that we know what click fraud is, how do we minimize the risk from it occurring?
How to Reduce the Risk of Click Fraud:
In today’s growing online market, a lot of preventative measures for click fraud have been taken by companies like Google. However, there are still ways for this kind of fraud to slip through the cracks and leave your company at risk. To defeat click fraud, an online marketing consultant can help you develop accurate web stats tools so that clickstreams can be tracked. In order to determine these patterns; click stream analysis must be in place to know where the click is coming from and who the visitor is. Tracking this data in real-time will be able to provide timely information which will work to obtain cost savings and prevent further abuse. With this information, you can even intervene yourself, by warning the offender, or by refusing payment from certain IP addresses.
Our Solution to Click Fraud:
If your company is not seeing results from your PPC advertising campaign, your website may be a victim of click fraud. Don’t allow yourself to be cheated by destructive competitors. Not only will your company save money, but tracking PPC click streams will allow you be able to determine which search engines and keywords provide the best return on investment.
The initial investment of establishing a click fraud protection strategy can easily be paid off. Let the professionals at FP iMarketing help you keep click fraud from making your website a victim. A professionally developed PPC campaign will also be more effective in terms of expertise in bidding, keyword selection, ad copy, and search conversion marketing.
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About Renee Matsalla
Renee holds a Bachelor of Commerce in marketing, and loves to dig into marketing research to find the ideal ways to optimize or run campaigns. She works to drive awareness, understanding, and adoption of marketing best practices with positioning, messaging, and marketing materials.